Host a Home Gathering

A Home Gathering is simply opening your home to a few of your friends, co-workers, etc., to learn more about a difficult topic—child sex trafficking. While some things will be hard to hear, there is a bright hope on the near horizon with Safe Harbor. 

Home Gatherings are only 60-minutes. There is no need to prepare food or snacks, just provide bottled waters. We will send someone from Safe Harbor to your home to talk with you and your friends about child sex trafficking in general, what we are doing specifically to help, and how you can get involved. A minimum of 12 people is requested.

We consider Home Gatherings to be “friendraisers” not “fundraisers” — and at each one there is always at least one person who is set on fire by what they hear, and they become the ones who will do whatever it takes to make a difference.

The children who have been sex trafficked need those types of friends.